Is there a difference between the Steam and regular version? If you are interested in finanically supporting the OBS Project, check out our Contribute page. We may explore using the Steam platform to provide additional ways of financially supporting OBS Studio development in the future, but the application itself will remain free and we will never charge for or paywall features. The OBS Studio Steam version is and always will be free, just like on our website. This includes our presence on the Microsoft Store for Windows and our most recent expansion to Flathub on Linux. In general, we want to offer OBS Studio through various platforms to reach both our current and future users as easily as possible. For many users, it is one of their primary sources for the programs on their machines. Over the years, we have received requests to publish OBS Studio on Steam as it provides a convenient way to install and update software. Why are you releasing OBS Studio on Steam?

Simply search for "OBS Studio" on the Steam Store or follow this link to get directly to the OBS Studio store page: